Key Features
Lossless weight compression
Complementing its low-bit depth support, Series3NX products features a lossless weight compression scheme that reduces network model sizes and bandwidth thus increasing overall performance.
Low power consumption
Series3NX products delivers neural network acceleration with low power consumption.
Flexible bit-depth support
Serving as a flexible solution, Series3NX products support neural network bit depths from 16-bit down to 4-bit, reducing bandwidth and increasing performance without compromising inference accuracy.
Security enablement
IMG Series3NX products integrate with the industry-leading security architectures with a flexible infrastructure that enables integration into custom solutions – allowing rightholders to protect their content where required.
High frame rates and engaging immersive experiences across gaming, socialising, exploring and business applications.
Entry level ADAS
Vehicles targeting L1 “feet free” style ADAS workloads, such as Cruise Control.